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552887890 [email protected]

Destination Antofagasta What are you looking for?

Explore the city of Antofagasta!

Start your travel planning here


The Pearl of the North

One of the largest cities in Chile!

We have all the geographical conditions to develop, from our coasts and ports as a window to the Asia Pacific, the deposits of copper, gold, silver, lithium, molybdenum and other minerals are the most important in Chile, the most beautiful and clear skies in the world for the world astronomical development, natural monuments, heritage buildings and a multicultural legacy rich in history and emblematic places such as the center and its railway history, ports and configuration of the city and economic and foundational development.  

Travel and Discover!

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Why should you visit Antofagasta?

We are a modern city, with countless natural and cultural attractions, where our visitors can enjoy a wide range of tourist services to explore and enjoy Antofagasta

  • Activities and attractions to enjoy
  • Variety of prices in tourist services
  • Enjoy the sea, nature and heritage
  • We are going to receive you with the hospitality of the people of the north